Wednesday, May 5, 2010


yesterday, when i was on my way to complete a job assignment, i was listening to this cd that was a teaching on the early life of king david. it was called, "the cave of adullum" that period of david life where hed been running from king saul, and relying on his own efforts to solve his dilemna, rather than God, and hed reached a point where he had nowhere left to run to. "the cave of adullum" is that period in our lives that is that watershed place, where were forced to see that OUR way isnt working, and we have no alternative, BUT to turn to Him. with me, that
"cave of adullum' had been that period, which had basically been MY WHOLE LIFE where id been blaming others for my problems, and i was now in a situation where id run out of people to blame, it was being forced to see that i was the lowest common denominator in every situation, w(hich always seemed to revolve around the same issue) i wound up in.

during periods of revelation that God leads you into, often, teaching that was previously LOGO..meaning i KNEW it was true, but hadnt yet hit an area that made it personal..suddenly becomes RHEMA. it was concerning PRIORITIES. it spoke of how, when things on your list of priorities get out of order, your whole life gets messed up. "HE WHO HAS WILL CONTINUE TO GAIN, BUT HE WHO HAS NOT WILL LOSE EVEN WHAT HE ALREADY HAS" recently, i had problems come up on my job that seemed like they were sudden. i was forced to confront the fact that issues in my life i had blamed those closet to me for were ones that carried over inot every other area of my life. rather than deal with my issues, id always run from them, in one way or another. a common way was to shift blame. i was told by God, when this teaching onpriorities came back to remembrance, to look at my order of priorties. i remember hearing this about how they should be.
2.loved ones
3your church and home fellowship
4.relationship with employer and fellow employees.
5. all the details of life
well, this is what had happened here. i was having issues with loved ones, and how id chosen to deal with them was to move those loved ones down my list of priorities to where they were close to the bottom. in essence, put them out of my mind. my list of priorities ended up looking like this.
1.God. and home fellowhsip
3. relationship with employer and fellow workers.
4.loved ones
5. all the details of life.
THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HMMM!!! my priorities were seriously out of whack here.
God, for a long time, will work with us, when were being stubborn and rebellious, and be loving and patient, because Hes just that way. however, there comes a time, when, just like any other stubborn, rebellious child, Hes going to end up prying things from our fingers, not out of punishment, but, because, He wants us to see He LOVES US and is trying to move us to a new levels. this often involves a test that He usually doesnt place in front of us, but He sees we have to pass in order to grow. He also wants us to see He is a God of order. THINGS MUST BE DONE DECENTLY AND IN ORDER!!!! even FAITH wont get it if im not in line with His WILL.
whatever i put on top that doesnt belong there i will end up losing along with everything elsE.

this was always my M.O.......F.E.A.R

this is how HE wants F.E.A.R to look like.