Thursday, September 16, 2010

stewards of the earth

the issue of the environment has taken on ridiculous heigths. i think much of it is a byproduct of how secular humanism has violently rejected God and attempts to place stock in their own sense of "goodness" WE DONT NEED GOD TO BE GOOD!!!!! the problem with this is whenever Jeus ISNT the center of all this is that our focus tends to become distorted and on the wrong things. of course as believers we should love and cherish this glorious creation that God gave us and when we hear those who say that its irrevelant that one day well have a new earth and heaven it just gives us as a whole a bad name.we are also to occupy until He comes and to be good and faithful stewards over what He has given us NOW. ONE DAY THE EARTH WILL CLAP ITS HANDS THE SEA WILL CLAP ITS HANDS THE OCEANS WILL ROAR AND IF WE DONT PRAISE HIM THE STONES THEMSELVES WILL CRY OUT!!! and of course i value animal life..anyone who has endured my babbling on about my fourlegged bratty samson
knows how big an animal lover i am. however i have a huge problem when we see the very same people who are pro-life over the rights of a sea turtle or a tiki bird being pro-choice over the rights of an unborn child. ive actually heard of women willing to have an abortion so they can be free of the responsibilities of parenthood thus being able to pursue their career of protecting the environment....their priorities are way out of whack. and i remember some years back an episode of LAW AND ORDER which always rips cases out of the headlines about a famous case involving GREENPEACE a radical environmentalist group who actually condones acts of terrorism to promote their cause to preserve the environment. they set a building on fire and it turned out many people perished in the flames. the mastermind of the acts response was chilling... IN A WAR THERE ARE ALWAYS CASUALTIES. his cause was more important that the lives of his fellow man. this is what always happens in any situation where we preserve our own twisted sense of righteousness after turning our back on God........we leave a door open to the demonic. there is a definite satanic force behind the section of the environmentalist movment that is anti-God. its called THE SPIRIT OF THE ANTICHRIST!!! people are Gods most valuable commodity and we are the ones who in Jesus name makes satan shake in fear.
get rid of people and he gets rid of a huge chunk of the competition because he know they were created with gifts and calling that could destroy his kingdom. whenever we arent God centered we always think WERE in control not seeing that its SATAN whose existance we deny controlling us. so its little wonder that the very same people who often lobby for peace and justice are often the most violent people youll ever want to meet. whats more violent than ripping a baby out of its mothers womb before its time? attacking a whaling ship endangering the lives of human being to protect a whale? MATTHEW 6:23-24 "IF THE EYE BE SINGLE THEN THE WHOLE BODY IS FULL OF LIGHT. IF THE LIGHT BE EVIL THEN THE WHOLE BODY IS DARK...AND IF THE LIGHT INSIDE OF YOU BE DARKNESS HOW GREAT IS THAT DARKNESS!!! " these things are what happens when people become so decieved that they actually have their priorities out of order and think that they are serving the greater good!!!!!

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