Thursday, June 9, 2011

i remember an old sermon of pastor garys called TEAR IT OUT!! it was based on matthew 5:29
"IF YOUR RIGHT EYE OFFENDS YOU TEAR IT OUT!!!!" it doesnt literally mean to gouge out an eye what its say is if you see something and its causing you to stumble and fall DONT LOOK AT IT!!! the whole gist of this verse is about the flesh nature the sin nature where self will ALWAYS runs riot! DONT FEED IT!!!! a while back i was beginning to have a major problem with my fourlegged brat waking up during the night wanting to be fed and snuggled. once i gave into him the first time he expected it the next night. and the next. and the next. before i knew it i was having a major problem on my hands. one day i woke up and realized SORRY BUDDY TIME TO TOW THE LINE HERE!!! needless to say he started pitching major shirley temple fits..complete with gnashing his teeth against the bars of the cage and flinging his whole body against its walls. what was i to expect. id been indulging him and petting him for several months tthen all of a sudden i stopped??!!! well thats the way it is with my sin nature. if i quit feeding my spirit man and start feeding my bratty sin nature..same thing. its not only cunning and far stronger than i ever will be its also NOT PICKY!! its not choosy about what portal of entry you choose to let it set up camp, how you feed it. it just wants to be fed petted and indulged. its not a sin to be tempted. if it was then Jesus sure sinned in the wilderness where He was tempted

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