Tuesday, December 13, 2011

being called, tempted, and prepared.

in MATTHEW 3:16-17 as well as in MATTHEW 4:1-11, we get one of the most clear cut pictures of the HUMANITY of Jesus. in MATTHEW 3-16-17 it talks about how Jesus appears before His cousin, john the baptist to be baptized in the river jordan and to be annointed with the Holy Spirit. it was His HUMANITY that had to be annointed with the Spirit of God not His DEITY.
deity is ALREADY annointed. it was his humanity that would begin His earthly ministry. it was JESUS not CHRIST that was His earth name JESUS CHRIST is my LORD AND SAVIOR but its JESUS who is the SON OF MAN. in 3:16-17 and in 4:1-111 we see how He was annoinTd and empowered by the spirit to move into His calling in His HUMANITY because it was His HUMANITY in which he would be tempted in all points..as we were..but without sin. because He was also DEITY BEING GOD He never yielded to the temptations that satan presented to Him in the wilderness, but He still experienced them in His flesh. its not a sin to be TEMPTED. HE was tempted. its a sin to GIVE IN TO IT..TO LET IT SET UP CAMP GROW HAVE BABIES. and it was His HUMANITY that came back at satan ALWAYS with THE WORD. even though he WAS the Word.
His experience in the wilderness is the example of how we are to approach sin when the Sprit leads us thru the wilderness. the spirit doesnt ever create sin it simply leads us thru it. the spirit is our teacher always eading us back to the word. its when we are in the wilderness that we show what were about..when satan comes at us we fight back with the word GOD EITHER IS OR HE ISNT WHICH ONE IS IT TO BE??? it also shows the many WAYS in which satan will try to tempt us. he doesnt just stop at one way. satan is a liar and the father of lies. he doesnt ever quit lying..he just becomes better at it.
first off, we see in 4:1-4 how jesus fasted forty days and nights and he became hungry. satan attempts to come at Him saying, "if youre the Son of God ask that these stones be turned into bread." Jesus answers saying "thou shall not live by bread alone but by EVERY WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD." His humanity NEVER stepped outside of the Word of God even though in His diety He WAS THE WORD. sometimes we allow our hunger whether it be for food or a spiritual hunger and we look to the word for answers and the answers we get arent the ones our tiching ears want to hear, satan will tempt us with things that lead us outside of the word. or well hang onto the things that pleases us but when we bite into something that is bitter we spit it out. we dont want it. in REVELATIONS 10:9-10 talks about how His word often tastes sweet as honey in our mouths but when it becomes that sharp two-edged sword going into our bellies it can become very bitter. WE LIKE THE IDEA OF GOD BUT DONT TELL US WE HAV TO ACCEPT JESUS...WERE ALL FOR THE FREE GIFT OF GRACE BUT DONT TELL US ANYTHING ABOUT SACRIFICE. what my granny on my daddys side used to say YOU GOTTA TAKE THE BITTER WITH THE SWEET..THIS MEANS EVERY WORD COMING OUT OF GOD MOUTH. not just the ones we like.
in 4:5-7 where satan leads Jesus to a pinnacle saying "if youre the Son of God throw yourself down. for it is written 'He shall give His angels charge over thee, lest you slip and dash yourself on a stone'" and Jesus says "it is written AGAIN..YOU SHAL NOT TEMPT THE LORD YOUR GOD." this is where we see satan tempting us to play on God intelligence by using the technicalities of the letter of the law to avoid the consequneces of ignoring the big picture.. STRAINING AT A GNAT AND SWALLOWING THE CAMEL. this is where the pharisees ended up missing God..thru the technicalities of their beloved torah that they took such great pride in wielding over people..oftyen using them to justify even greater sins. im a huge criminology buff
and im constantly appalled and feel a deep anger over how often many kilers get off on technicalities. i just read a book about a 12 year old who had her boyfriend slaughter her family so they could be together. and canadian law is set up to where because they use to the law to rehabilitate not to punish because shes a minor according to their laws her identity is protected and she could move in next door to you and youd never know she was a murderer. its clearly a crime where she should be locked up forever..when someone does something this coldblooded..when there is no history of abuse..this is NOT someone i want to see walking around. but due to legal glitches SHES PROTECTED.
HOWEVER THIS MINDSET DOESNT WORK WITH GOD. many people will seize onto the message ofthe free gift of grace..all you do is ask for it. and since its grace not our works that save us we can do what we want right??? i saw a movie PILLAR OF THEEARTH where they believed they could be forgiven for a sin before they committed it. its obvious tat when someone see grace as a license to do what they want and god is going to overlook it or excuse it..theyre saved right??thru grace???? that they havent had a true encounter with god. but many people buy into this lie or simply chose to believe that they can play with god and not understanding they cannot serve god and satan at the same time. you cannot use the technicalities you may find in His word to justify things he speaks against. this iis called having a conscience seared as with a hot iron.

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