Wednesday, December 14, 2011

being called tempted and prepared:continued

many attorneys know how and are willing to use the technicalities of the letter of the legal law to get people that they KNOW are guilty of the urders they committed to get them off. thats really scary. being a sadistic psychopath and having a lawyer who KNOWS YOURE GUILTY. reminds me of the movie with al pacino AND JUSTICE FOR ALL when pacinos friend defended a client everyone knew was guilty and got him off on a technicality...impropehr admittances of evidence, improper search procedures, not being properly mirandized.. i dont remember. that night the guy went out and killed three kids.
this is a tactic that will work in a courtroom but it doesnt work with God. i cannot use the letter of His law to justify excuse or overlook my sin.. ILL JUST GO OUT AND SIN BECAUSE HEY DIDNT GOD SAY HE HAD TO FORGIVE ME IF I ASKED HIM TO??? if i did that this speaks volumes about the true nature of my relationship with God. BE NOT DECIEVED.. GOD IS NOTTTT MOCKED!!!! this is something that the 8th and 9th step in AA played an integral part in teaching me. gods grace is no license to overlook and forget about the wreckage of the people i burned with my cons lies and deceits. GOD has removed it as far as the east and the west and will never condemn me or convict me on them again. however i am to BRING FORTH FRUITS WORTHY OF REPENTENCE. H EART THAT IS TRULY CHANGED BY A TRUE ENCOUNTER WIL GOD WIL ALWAYS WANT TO FACE AND MAKE THINGS RIGHT WITH THESE PEOPLE!! i may not always have the chance but the WILLINGNESS absolutely must be there.
last but not least 4:8-10 "and satan took Him to a VERY VERY HIGH MOUNTAIN and showed him ALL THE KINGDOMS OF THE WORLD AND THEIR GLORY. and e said to him "all these i will give you if you fall down and worship me' and Jesus said "AWAY WITH YOU SATAN YOU WILL SERVE THE LORD GOD AND HIM ONLY WILL YOU SERVE.'" VERY VERY HIGH MOUNTAIN-satan is the consummate master of making everything look better bigger and higher than anything god has to offer. he shows it IN ALL ITS GLORY. how many young people do we see today in the hood who buy into the lie of quick easy money fast flashy cars ever faster flashier women by playing in the devils playground..crack, meth (lord only knows when some of these drugs evil cousins are going to make it over here. krokodil in russia-rots the body away and kills you within a year) and these verses dont just apply to the flash. these verses apply to all the situations that may come across our path thaat if we allow that door open just a crakc to let the enemy in he ll always convince that HIS way is much better than GODS way, Gods way isnt enough and its uesless it ineffective,dontyouknow God you just dont understand what its like. WRONG..He went thru everything you the wilderness, during His three years and ON THE CROSS so He COULD understand. He BECAME them. youve gone thru SOME of them. try ALL of them
this is a conscientous choice to reject God and what He has to say in favor of our own agenda when god doesnt move fast enough or not at all> He never said Hed give us everything we wanted just what we NEEDED. pastor gary likes to say GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF OUR NEEDS NOT OUR GREEDS. theres not a single person ..myself included..who hasnt done something
that we KNEW was wrong we KNEW was against His word and we did it anyway. because if doing right didnt get us what we wanted then guess what we chose to do wrong. rejecting god and His word in favor of our own agenda is rampant in our world today. i look at famous people like angelina jolie who is a vocal atheist and im like WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED??? she and brad pitt are in a relationship that is a direct result of committing adultery. you think she doesnt know what His word says about it???? and theres nothing wrong of themselves with all the good works theyve done. but often we see this pattern as a sad attempt to redemm themselves and somehow on their own to deal with that conflict i know is there but theyve pushed it so far down. from my own personal experience and i see it here as well the rejection of the idea of Gods existence is usually the final result of seeing that THEIR way of approaching is has no power but seeing the God OF THE BIBLE is one that..unlike oprahs way of approach God ANY OLD WAY YOU WANT one youre not goig to be able to bargain with control or manipulate. the God of the Bible is definitive not democratic. its not open for negotiation or discussion. seeing this like children they get mad stomp their feet then say YOU NEVER LET US DO WHAT WE WANT WE HATE YOU.
so i just wont believe in you. when you dont believe in god you never know when the devil is right there whispering in your ear. he has you by the short hairs and you think youre shucking and jiving.
look at all the choices weve often made agianst what His word has to say because certain things get promised to us that will make our life easier..or so we think. many people vote in people who are pro-choice because they get certain health and work benefits promised to them. desperation will drive many people to do things they previously thought were addict will sell their own mother or even their baby for the next hit a bottle of everclear. ive pretended to like someone whom i knew had drugs and alcohol. i married both husbands in my past simply to get away from home and to drink. heck of a reason to marry someone isnt it. if Jesus had come back in my life during that time what do you think would have happened to me/ this is the part about His word while sweet in some places is very bitter in others. this is all about the not so nice promises we find in His word about those who die in their sins. forget the word PROMISE honey.
this is more like a GUARANTEE.
i remember back in the late 80 and early 90s when i first got into the health care fieldnd it didnt fly so close under the radar as it does now. it was very common for the mom and pop principle of keeping a nursing home or rehab open thru genrous benefactors who often had loved ones in those facilities so they took a personal interest in them. i knew about alot of excellent cnas who ended up getting fired..not because of abuse..but because of people who were paying to help keep a facility open..didnt like them. IF YOU DONT FIRE THEM WELL CUT OFF YOUR MONEY.. and often they flat out told them. doing what was right..which would have been standing behind their employee..was pushed out in favor of not losing that money by which its loss would have put them out of a job. rejcting what is right over what is easy is always self serving. we may try to rationalize and excuse it but the people were truly thinking of is ourselves.
anytime i go thru something and i think god couldnt possibly understand all i have to do is read this and see that just aint true

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