Wednesday, February 10, 2010


i find it interesting how contradictory AND selective the understanding of liberal theology is in regards to its philosophy. on one hand, it states that man doesnt need a god to define it, that man is perfectly capable of forming his own destiny, establishing his own righteousness all by his lonesome. on the other hand, however, he never accepts responsibility for his own shortcomings or for his own misdeeds. he didnt have the right upbringing, if only he had had the privileges that others more fortunate than someone else may have had, etc maybe he would have turned out different, maybe he wouldnt have gone on a shooting spree and killed X amount of people. liberal theology, .......which is almost always rooted primarily in secular humansim,even when it does throw the word God in there every once in awhile........shows at the heart of it an utter rebellion against ANYTHING demanding from it individual accountability for ANYTHING it does. it wants freedom from the autonomy of an all-powerful God but not having to accept responsibility for their own choices. this is at the heart of all new age. I BELIEVE IN ALL PATHS TO GOD.I PICK AND CHOOSE THE IDEA OF GOD THAT I LIKE!!!!! I CAN DO ANYTHING I WANT WITHOUT HAVING TO ANSWER TO ANYONE NOT EVEN MYSELF! AND NOTHING IS EVER MY FAULT!!

the problem with that sort of thinking is i have as of yet to find ANYWHERE in the Word of God that states that its daddys or mommys fault that i turned out the way that i did. over and over, it states that, ultimately, each and everyone of us, is responsibile and accountable for his or her choices.

ezekiel 18:2-5 "what do you mean by the proverb concerning the land of Israel saying 'the fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the childrens teeth are set on edge? as i live saith the Lord God, ye shall not have occasion any more to use this proverb in Israel. behold all souls are MINE!!!!! AS THE SOUL OF THE FATHER SO IS THE SOUL OF THE SON MINE!!!! the soul that sins, it shall die. but if a man be just and do which is lawful and right it shall live."

what we see here in these verses perfectly embodies the sin nature..... which is at the heart of ANYONE trying to approach God in ANYWAY outside of the way of JOHN 14:6 THE WAY!!!....versus the first thing that one learns when they approach God with a TRULY repentant heart.

the sin nature-its never my fault. its all about passing the buck.
repentance-THE BUCK STOPS RIGHT HERE!!!!!!

its is and never will be within man to try to find his or her own way. this means that if i refuse to submit to God in the plan of salvation and with the blueprint He clearly provides for me, that i cannot hold anyone but myself accountable for it. this means, i cannot hold accountable anyone elses misdeeds NOR can i expect to fall back on the righteousness of another person ,even my own father and mother, and say its enough. i cannot blame anothers sins or live off the annointing of another person. my soul is GODS ALONE. I ULTIMATELY WILL ANSWER TO HIM

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