Friday, January 29, 2010


ezekiel 15:3-5 "shall wood be taken to do just ANY work???"
"behold, it is cast into the fire for fuel, the fire devours both ends of
and the midst of it is burned. is it meet for ANY work?"
"behold, when it was whole, it was meet for NO work!!!!! how
much less shall it be meet for ANY work when the fire has devoured
it and it is burned?"

first lets look at when god talks about whether or not a piece of wood was meet for any work, and when it was whole it was meet or fit for no work at all. the WHOLE piece of wood is a reference to those who are unsaved. obviously UNSAVED means UNPREPARED for ANYTHING!!! our own works attempoting to establish our own righteousness will never be anything more than filthy rags to be discarded by Him

god has created each of us for a special purpose. FIRST we have to be cast into the fire.
this is a reference to our SALVATION. its a no brainer that i had to be born again before god could proceed any further. being devoured at both ends is God getting rid of all the garbage that is holding me back from moving into what God has planned for me. too allow that, the middle, the very heart of me had to be burned to get rid of all the inner motives or whatever that wants me to hang onto all that crap.without first being thrown into the fire i couldnt have been saved. once there i had to dig that i couldnt just continue to be the same old gal i once was. and once there what god had for someone else may be very different than what He had for me.

you see, theres not only conformity from the WORLD but also from BELIEVERS who often make the mistake of thinking that each individual has to conform to what i call a cookie cutter type of mentality. god has a unique plan for each of us as to how he wants to use us.

the revelant thing is................God didnt save any of us to continue doing the same old thing we used to do. a SAFE church presents the message of grace and reconciliation as incomplete or watered down. itll tell you GOD LOVES YOU JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.......BUTTTTT itll conveniently will lop off the part....BUT HE LOVES YOU ARE TOO MUCH TO LET YOU STAY THAT WAY. HOWEVER, a DANGEROUS church is going to present the whole message, and make it very plain that if you honestly DO look upon the message of grace as merely a license to overlook, or excuse whatever it is that you dont want to give up in your life, then its time to seriously rethink and wonder about your true relationship with God.

the bottom line is line...if one has had a TRUE encounter with the Living God, then their lives will start to line up with the Word of God. i heard an awesome teaching by a guy named micheal
yusef who presented His word as a love letter to all believers. how can i honestly say im in love with someone if first off i dont READ any of their letters,and if i dont seek TO DO what their letters ask of me?

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