Wednesday, January 6, 2010

a SHEEP knows his masters voice:DOGGIES AND DUCKS TOO!!!!

samson and i have an early morning routine( welllllllllll, we HAVE slacked up on it over the past couple of mornings since BRRRRRRR ITS COOLLLLLLLDDDDDDDD!!!!) i pop about six cups of popcorn, bag it up, along with the brats early morning doggie treats, and we walk down to the park, where there is a huge natural lake. ( in the summertime, i kinda began to wonder if
the ones who actually braved the pond stench could read, seeing there was a huge sign up, saying, DO NOT SWIM IN THIS LAKE, SINCE IT IS A SOURCE FOR PROTOZOA, AMOEBA, AND OTHER MICROSCOPIC PATHOGENS......something like that anyway)
it is a daily ritual to feed the ducks. and they already know me and samson, before i even tie up samson (that is, unless i want to end up going for a swim in da pond as samson takes off like a heat seeking missile after the ducks, two in particular. in 15 degree water? um, dont think so.)
as soon as they see us, here they come.....quack, quack, quack, heres the nice lady who feeds us. ive learned to wear sneakers, instead of flip flops when i come on this expedition, as they like to bite my feet if they feel i aint feeding them fast enough. they know ME and they know THE SOUND OF MY VOICE!!!!! they know IM THE ONE WHO FEEDS THEM!!!!
alan trie coming to the pond one day, minus food, but with samson in tow. they recognized samson, but saw i wasnt with him with the popcorn. so, after the initial recognition of samson, they knew, "nothing here,guys" so, they didnt even bother coming up to alan. first impression ,from a distance, samson may have made the scenario LOOK familar, but, upon closer inspection, the ducks saw there was nothing there, sooooooooo, it was cyalaterbye!!!!

its really funny, man is supposed to be superior in intelligence to a dog or a duck. but, heck, a sheep is as dumb as doggie poop, and they KNOW the sound of their masters voice, and will never be fooled by an imitation, no matter how good of one it is. its ironic that MAN can be fooled by a fake, but you cant fool a duck, or a dog. they KNOW whos going to feed them, and whos not, and will not go up to you, if youre not them , no matter how much you may LOOK
like the real source of the food. Jesus knew what He was doing when he used animals, especially sheep seeing as it WAS one of the dumbest animals on the planet. animals know the real thing in a new york minute, but man often doesnt have a clue theyre being taken in by
a fake, such as a false teacher, even when theyre in the grips of starving to death. A SHEEP KNOWS THE SOUND OF HIS MASTERS VOICE AND WILL NEVER FOLLOW THE VOICE OF A STRANGER BUT WILL RUN!!!!!

a dog or a duck will never have the gift of eternal life, such as we have, but i feel God has given them the gift of distinguishing the true from the false as an example to us. a loyal faithful dog worth his salt can always sense the evil and duplicity behind a false smiling veneer, and is quick to warn their master, no mater how good the package looks on the surface. physical analogies are an invaluable tool as we delve into the spiritual realm via the Holy Spirit to discern spiritual truths theres alot of kooks and whackjobs out there wholl tell us things that are obviously off the chain, and we can laugh, and shake our heads, and rest assured we wont get taken in by a false teacher. but look at the one verse that both peter talked about in his epistiles as well as what jude in the book of jude does as well......clouds without water, carried about by winds.
these are the ones that are hard to spot. on initial inspection, a could with rain thatll nourish you, and prevent dehydration cant be told apart from a cloud that will give you nothing. its like confusing alan and samson together with me and samson together..rushing up to alan and samson because they LOOK like theyll give you something, then...........nothing. thats what a false teacher all too often windfs up doing. they may even quote scripture. they offer something and give nothing. and all too often, they end up TAKING everything from YOU. the prosperity doctrine gone out of hand is well known for that.

distinguishing a real teacher from a wolf that creeps into the flock is impossible without the Holy Spirit, and learning to be sensitive to His voice and conviction. just dry knowledge of the Word, without the Spirit to guide you isnt enough (though you bloody well BETTER know the Word as well) the Holy Spirit is like our english bull terrier or pit bull that warns us of the hidden dangers below the surface of a nice pretty package that at first SEEMS to line up with the Word, but quickly reveals to us when something is hinky ( i LOVE detective terminology)
in other words, when the body of evidence isnt lining up with the body of the crime, so to speak.
it shows us the M.O (modus operandi)

its all about whether or not we end up getting fed, amen

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