Wednesday, January 20, 2010

more on reprobate mentality;reprobate versus character.

after i posted my blog yesterday, i realized how much more i had left to write, SOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!... let her rip! getting into the books in the Word, such as isaiah, jeremiah, and ezekiel, has, like i was saying yesterday, incorporated aspects of my personal world that i hadnt thought about THIS actively in a very long time. reading ezekiel takes me back to 1997, to my sociology class, to my instructor dr. hitchcock, when he used to love to show us such documentary videos, such as "the iceman", which was all about a hitman for the mob who specialized in various poisons, and who took special pleasure in watching the effects of the poisons, ESPECIALLY the slow acting ones, on his hits. a textbook case of, what i also learned that same semester in pyschology of abnormal behavior, of a sadistic ive seen reading, studying, meditating, and blogging on the book of ezekiel, ive been finally come to terms with, and accept, that (and THIS is what REALLY explained to me just what REPROBATE really is in the spiritual realm). that it is entirely possible to KNOW His truth, to hear the Spirit convict you on it, to KNOW the difference between right and wrong, and STILL CHOOSE to do wrong. ezekiel is a frightening picture of just what can happen and DOES INDEED happen when the mind of a sociopath becomes the NORM, rather than an ABERRATION.

i remember hearing pastor tony last sunday, talking about what has happened in haiti, and whether or not, it is indeed a judgement from God. and i was like, when i found out that this was a nation who had actually dedicated itself to satan, DOES IT REALLLY HAVE TO BE A JUDGEMENT OF GOD??? the very fact that this is a nation which has deidicated itself to the devil, is like waving a red flag in front of a bull, and wondering why it comes charging straight at you. OR, befriending, taking in, and feeding a brazillian wandering spider (like i saw this total
idiot do on youtube)and then wondering why you get bit. but i cant even begin to put whats happening here in haiti with what was happening in israel in ezekiels day.when a leader dedicates its nation to satan, its evident youre dealing with a person who is lost. being unsaved isnt the same as being reprobate. being LOST is when you just dont get it, and you keep going back to the same jive over and over because you just dont get it. being REPROBATE is when you know, but you dont care.

God puts in His Word examples of bad as well as good as just that- examples of what to do, but also what not to do. over and over, as ive been studying isaiah, jeremiah, and ezekiel, what has repeatedly come to mind, when pastor gary was talking about the earmarks of false teachers.
what he was saying about CHARACTER has stuck with me. ANNOINTING isnt enough. KNOWLEDGE OF HIS WORD isnt enough. even CONVICTION isnt enough. His Word ABSOLUTELY MUST be the code we live by, that our values must be based on. if our CHARACTER does not line up with what is in this Book, then we are all nothing more than wolves crept in to decieve the flock. reading ezekiel and what God was talking about in dealing with a people who had turned their backs on Him, and still thought they were a people who were special, and set apart, gives the definition of the criteria for a narcissistic personality a whole new meaning. and often, when people develop the belief that due to special gifts that God has given them,(forgetting they are to be used for HIS glory, not THEIRS), that, somehow, because of the grace freely given to all men thru Jesus Christ.who want it, that, somehow, the rules just dont apply to them. somehow His WORD doesnt apply to them. or, that, due to great works, they may have done in the past, before they turned their backs on Him, that they could just go on living off of yesterdays annointing and works. His Word is crystal clear EZEKIEL 3:20"when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness, and goes into iniquity(this means returning to a LIFETSYLE of sin), HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS WILL NOT BE REMEMBERED" do i dare think i can live off of yesterdays annointing? THINK AGAIN.

i fully believe many false teachers arent born- they are MADE. and all too often, those cloest to them who recognize early, their special gifts and callings are to blame. many cults are born from these teachers being told over and over YOURE SPECIAL, YOURE ABOVE THE LAW, EVEN HIS LAW, THERES A SPECIAL GRACE EVEN BEYOND THE GRACE ALREADY GIVEN TO YOU, THE RULES JUST DONT APPLY TO YOU. to me, this is really scary. that someone can, for a very long time continue to operate in an incredible annointing, bfore the plug gets pulled on it, even actually being used to bring many into the Kingdom, and all the while lead countless people astray. being reprobate is like having a brilliant mind with no conscience to guide it. when i read ezekiel, and fully understand what a reprobate mind is, and understand what a false teacher is as well, i see, all too often what this is is simply an unchecked version of what God wants me to be. salvation is immediate. character, in line with His Word takes a heck of a long time to build. i dont get right standing or saved by living by His Word, but its expected to follow, and if it doesnt, then i have to begin to wonder about my true relationship with God. books like ezekiel, isaiah, and jeremiah, are examples of what
i can easily become if i DONT regard His Word as my personal code.

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