Monday, January 25, 2010


i cant get out of my mind when pastor tony posed the question about what has happened in haiti: IS IT GOD???????? i touched upon this in my last post, and i pointed out about what haiti has done by dedicating its nation to satan. i HAD to do some surfing on the web to research that one, because when pastor tony brought it to our attention, my first thought was ur joking, right mate?? but i looked it up under more than one source, and,yep, they sure did. i had to research it because, one of the reasons i became so disillusioned with evangelical christianity some years back was seeing all too often how too many of us were themselves not above using propaganda
to promote their own agendas, usually finacnially related. one thing i have to credit this congregation on, especially under the tutelage of such men as pastor gary, is, and much more rapidly than id ever thought, to eliminate that patina of cynicsim that had formed such a hard crust around my heart for so long. once i verified this, my next thought was, DOES THIS NATION HAVE A DEATH WISH????? to me, it seemed almost surreal that any nation would so brazenly and recklessly leave themselves open to the forces of evil like this. heck, stan doesnt
even have to disguise themselves as an angel of light, or as being someone else. they KNOW who he is, and they did it anyway.

ive struggled, for many years myself, to comprehend the eternal question... HOW COULD A LOVING FATHER DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO HIS CHILDREN OR HOW COULD HE ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN? once again, i think back to my days in early recovery when i was in AA, and this is a very harsh, but necessary truth. no matter how much you may love a son or a daughter you have that is in the throes of addiction, and you see that they dont WANT to break free of it, NO MATTER HOW HARD IT MAY BE to see your child
going through what theyre going through without you, there comes a point and time where you HAVE to let that child go. they may be homeless, going through the pain of withdrawal because theyre in agony with their bodies screaming for a shot. YOU HAVE TO LET THEM GO!!!!!!
were dealing with a nation that has openly rejected God and embrace satan. i dont think God has brought the devastation were seeing here. however, there comes a point where, like any loving father, where what 1 corinthians 5:5 speaks of when it refers to "turning one over to satan for the destruction of the flesh so that in the day of the Lord, they may be saved." life is all about choices. people rarely get saved until they come to the absolute end of themselves. God really didnt have to do anything here. when you dedicate yourself to satan, as i said before, thats like waving a red flag in front of a bull, or befriending a poisonous spider, and not expecting to get bit. ive heard of people who called upon satan and asked them to be their lord and master, and they felt the temperature drop 30 degrees in the room. GO FIGURE!!!!

one of the most dangerous messages were hearing in safe religion is that there are no consequences to ANYTHING!!!!! no one will turn away from anything destructive as long as
its allowed to be a pleasant experience for them. we are to be intercessors for others, and our prayers form protective barriers around others. but, there comes a point, when we see that someone doesnt want to stop doing what theyre doing, to keep rpaying for their protection isnt LOVE its ENABLING!! TURN ONE OVER TO SATAN FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF THE FLESH SO THAT IN THE DAY OF THE LORD THEY MIGHT BE SAVED very simply means
there comes a point where you quit praying for them. not quit praying for their redemption, but it means quit praying for their protection. before anyone repents, they almost always have to hit rock bottom. if an eartly parent has the right to decide when they must let their child go, how can we say our HEAVENLY Father doesnt have the right to do the same?

HOW CAN A LOVING FATHER ALLOW HIS CHILDREN TO SUFFER AND BE IN PAIN???? i remember,back in the 90s, in leonardo decaprios early days, i remember one of his first movies the basketball diaries, this story about a heroin addict, who later recovered and became a street poet,...there was this one scene where he was going thru withdrawal, and he was banging on his mothers door, about to break it down, screaming at her, IM YOUR SON!!!!! HOW CAN YOU BE SO CRUEL???? CANT YOU SEE IM IN PAIN????!!!!
and you can see the uter devastation on her face as she was witnessing this, wanting so badly to give him that 20 dollars, knowing that 20 dollars would be the shot to give him relief, but also knowing, if she did that, she was helping to kill him. how do you think God feels, right now. witnessing the utter devastation in haiti, watching 1 14 year old girl wail in anguish as she pulls her little brother out of the rubble? and couldnt He stop it at anytime? yes, He could. but God gave us free will. He WANTS haiti to return to him, and many, many of them will come to Him. but it has to be an act of the free will. in order for anything to be rebuilt, it first has to be utterly broken.

one day, things far worse than this will happen, and it WILL be God. ezekiel 12:27..."the vision he sees is for many days to come, and he prophesies of times far off." and vs 28 "...there shall none of my words be prolonged anymore, but the word i have spoken shall be done" my big problem for many years was i thought i was immortal. one day i was no longer 18, i was 47. the fact that God IS so loving and merciful makes it all the more frightening to imagine of what it will be like one day when His mercy WILL run out, and He means what He says and itsnt saying these things, that Hes been saying for thousands of years just to hear himself talk. nothing we see on earth will even remotely compare to the horrors of hell. hebrews 10:31 "it is dreadful to fall into the hands of the Living God"

but i also know today, it doesnt have to be that way. Jesus gave us the way out

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