Tuesday, January 19, 2010


over the past 13 years when i FIRST came to know Jesus as Lord and savior, i often wondered just what exactly REPROBATE MENTALITY was. over this past year, the connection finally
began to click into my mind, just as to what it really was. and i have my years-long fascination
with anything involving criminolgy..particularly the areas of forensic psychology and criminal
profiling..to thank for this. its really amazing just as to how God will go into our individual worlds, and make His truths revelant by revealing anaolgies that make all the difference in taking his LOGO WORD, and the lights suddenly kick on,and it becomes RHEMA. to me, this shows that all of our deep seated interests and passions are those that God has instilled in us, as He uses each one of His children in different ways.

well, anyway, ive done alot of studying and research on the antisocial, or sociopathic mentality. one of the most frightening charactersistics is that they are fully able to distinguish right from wrong, but they just dont care. if they are given the choice between right and wrong, and it is within their best interests to do wrong...according to a prominant FBI profiler.......they will ALWAYS choose to do wrong. they also fully expect to get away with what are often atrocities
totally foreign to that of a normal person. they fully comprehend the legal sanctions and cultural mores/social norms of the world we live in, but they feel that they dont apply to them. theyre special, unique, and the ordinary person is "stupid" i did alot of things over and over before i got saved because i just didnt get it..thats the area of strongholds. this type of person just doesnt care,theyre like SO WHAT????AND YOUR POINT IS??? and, theyre often stunned when they sit in a courtroom, and hear the sentence over their horrific crimes, never, ever expecting theyd ever be held accountable

its really laughable when we pride ourselves, in our human arrogance, in discovering what we feel is "new" knowledge. reading in the Epistles..romans 1:28, when they talk about being turned over to a reprobate mind, because they dont like entertaining God in their thoughts, we see the truth of what was spoken of in ecclesiasted "there is nothing new under the sun" reprobate is just a less cosmopolitan term for a sociopath. even worse, because with the reprobate mind,were actually dealing in an area where ones eternity is at stake, they KNOW it, and, somehow feel that the rules just dont apply to them. they KNOW His words, His ways, but, being one of HIS people, theyre speical, His grace has them covered, so the rules are for other people. having the annointing of God in your life, without also having the character built around building ones life on His Word, is like what ive read all too often about the antisocial personality, who often possesses a brilliant mind, with no conscience or scruples to guide it. and often, that annointing is tremendous.and the reprobate mind may move and operate in it for awhile. God is merciful. for those who dont see how a LOVING God can wipe our a nation, critters and babies included...need to ask themselves a very important question...how many of us would have given nations such as assyria 400 YEARS to repent. God will often wait a long time before He pulls the annointing off of us, because He loves us, and wants us back?

the antisocial personality, thank God, makes up only 1-4% of the american population. right now, im in the book of ezekiel, and the picture that it paints of a backslidden Israel, is downright scary. imagine how frightening it is knowing we have that 1-4% running loose in our country.
NOW, THINK OF AN ENTIRE NATION BEING LIKE THAT!!!!!! matthew 6:23 "when the light in you be darkness, HOW GREAT IS THAT DARKNESS?" the sociopath is unable to exist within the norms of society, and one of its trademarks is a pattern of behavior which is grounds for arrest. well, in the case of the israel that men like jeremiah, isaiah, and ezekiel lived in, THE ABBERANT BEHAVIOR of Israel was what was normal. anyone who chose to be obedient to the Word of God were the ones viewed to be abnormal. ive read alot about murders being commited in packs. think of an entire nation wanting to gang up on you and killing you because you dared to stand behind His truth even when it goes against the norm.

there were two verses in ezekiel that i feel perfectly captured the collective, dangerously reprobate mind of a nation, who, when confronted with right and wrong would consistently choose wrong, KNOWING IT TO BE WRONG. it just didnt matter to them
ezekiel 8"then said he unto me, son of man, see what the ancients in the house of israel do in thr dark of the chambers of his imagination? they think the Lord doesnt see them, for He has forsaken the earth." i see alot of this thinking TODAY in the mentality of people, who believe they can use the grace of God to excuse themselves, especially, when they have a special annointing, because the honestly beleive the rules just dont apply to them. i fully believe many false teachers arent born, they are MADE!!!!! all too often, theyve been surrounded by others, from very early in life, who keep telling them "youre special..the rules just dont apply to you....God will overlook whatever it is in your life that doesnt line up."a prime example are spoiled, narcissistic brats like samson. and he grew up believing it. i can only imagine the rude awakening he got when he got his eyes dug out after delilah whacked off his hair. STUNNED
was an understatement

ezekiel 5 16" moreover i will make you a waste, and a reproach amonst the nations" Israel
was raised as a people who WERE special , SET APART. they were the ones, in ezekiels day who carried the evangelism of the coming Messiah to the rest of the world. guess what, whoever God raises up as an EXAMPLE of what He wants us to be, as well as to speak to others of His grace and mercy. when we fall, especially if we take others with us, we will also be held as an example
of His sanctions. this especially applies to those who think His grace as a license to excuse whatever they were doing. THINK AGAIN!!!! leaders always get held to a higher, often harsher set of standards than those who arent. to whom much is given, much is required. law enforcement rarely goes after the individual users, they want the dealers.

reading books like ezekiel make me realize two things. how unbelievable Gods mercy really IS..AND HOW FRIGHTENING IT ALSO IT IS WHEN IT RUNS OUT

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