Thursday, December 15, 2011


GENESIS 9:20-25 "noah began to be a husbandman and he planted a vineyard. and he drank the wine a got drunk. and he lay uncovered in his tent. and ham the son of canaan saw the nakedness of his father and went and told his brothers. and shem and japeth took a garment laying it on their shoulders between them went in backwards not looking at their fathers nakedness went in and covered him. when noah woke up he knew what his younger son had done to him. and he cursed him be a servant of servants" WHOAAAA!!! it doesnt get any worse than that. not just a slave but a slave to the others slaves???!!! OUCH!!!!! i bet ham thought about what he had done and thought 'OOPS MY SERIOUSLY BAD!!!!!!!' YEP you messed up buddy!!!!
the biggest barrier betwen us and God is that utter refusal to SUBMIT to Him. and refusal to submit to HIM alwmost always guarantees were going to be having major problems with all authority.. not just His DIRECT authority and it all eventually leads back to Him. if im having problems with authority i can take it to the bank that somewhere my relationship with HIM
isnt where it should be. and the very first thing im doing to do is to look for the flaws in the other person to justify my not wanting to submit to their authority. His word is very doesnt matter WHAT the flaws are of the people in authority over me..even if i dont respect their actions or behavior i still respect their position. i see alot where even christians dont feel if someone lifestyle doesnt line up with what god says that they dont have to listen to what theyre saying. thats a different bible Im reading out of. rebelling against authority..unless they want you to do something that directly goes against the Word...ESPECIALLY if youre using their behavior or mistakes to justify unacceptable PERIOD!!! and thats a big part of our fallen nature..deflection and shifting blame. when we recieve orders or instructions we dont like..not only do we walk away mad but were going to use the shortcomings of the person giving them to us as an excuse not to do it. it isnt their mistakes we really have a problem with..we just dont like being told to do something we dont want to do but we need to feel justified in doing it.
noah gettng drunk and leaving himself exposed is indeed a picture of an important reason why god is so against drunkennes. i looked up the exact definition of drunkenness. DRUNKENNESS-becoming so overcome with alcohol that you lose control over your faculties. when someone gets that intoxicated theyre opne ot a will not that of God. renwal of the mind is one of the most important things we have to do in serving God. when the mind is clouded with things not of Him it leaves us open to things wed never otherwise do. im sure that one of the last things noah ever wanted was for anyone to see him drunk disgraced and disposed like that. and ham did the wrong thing in exposing his father the way he did and his other sons were right in not only covering him up but not wanting to see their father in that disgraced of a position. its called respect. even if they didnt respect what he did they respected his position. he was still their father. when i read this i thought of how often as a cna ive taken care of patients with dementia
who would wander out in the hallway undressed and exposed. i knew if they were in their right mind they never want to be seen like that so i made it a point to not only cover them but not stare at them. however im sorry to admit that i didnt always not talk about it with other people. today i know these people are not there to discuss and theyre not there for my amusement.
this is where the rightly dividing of His word comes in with also what pastor gary referred to as "divine tensions"..where one verse clearly speaks against NOT exposing someones sin to the world, yet theres other verses that dont say that. they tell us we MUST expose it. i believ in corinthians they discuss the procedure and chain of command for doing this. these passages seem to contradict each other. this is exactly why tring to wing it sans the Spirit spells disaster..
only thru this is how common sense becomes uncommon sense. it reveals all the pieces of the puzzle our natural minds just dont get right away. and the big thing were looking at here that distingishes this verse and other verses is MOTIVE. THE TRUTH MINUS LOVE IS NOT AND NEVER WILL BE A VIRTUE. the two-edges sword not only exposes the other sins we see but also the thoughts and intents of our heart. hem was in rebellion against his dad and its clear he didnt like him very much..probably because he didnt get to do everything he wanted so when he saw his dad mess up he took it and ran with it. expsoing his fathers foulups in his rebellios mind justified him continuing in his own. this is a tactic all teenagers ae familiar with..because it often works. a quick way to get mom and dad to let you do what u want is to expose their shortcomings.. UOU DID THE SAME THING WHEN YOU WERE MY AGE!!!! WHY CANT I????
my response is YAH!!..EXACTLY WHY IM ONTO YOU NOW AND AM SAYING NOPE!!!!! i used the failings of the people God used to carry the message to me thru for a long long LONG time as an excuse not to accept it..especially when it hit on some area of my life i didnt want to stop doing. HEY IT WORKED IN WEARING DOWN MOM AND DAD SO IT SHOULD WORK WITH GOD!! i even blamed them for my rejection of it!!..GOD if more people lived by what they preached then id listen to them.A however there came a point where i saw too many people who did live by His words who did walk the walk..i simply ran out of excuses to keep doing what i was doing and i ran out of people to blame.
there DOES come a point where i MUST be willing to expose a sin and call it for what it is. its NOT fun and its NOT comfortable.but first i ned to make sure that im doing it with the right motives and that my own house is being kept clean swept in order.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

being called tempted and prepared:continued

many attorneys know how and are willing to use the technicalities of the letter of the legal law to get people that they KNOW are guilty of the urders they committed to get them off. thats really scary. being a sadistic psychopath and having a lawyer who KNOWS YOURE GUILTY. reminds me of the movie with al pacino AND JUSTICE FOR ALL when pacinos friend defended a client everyone knew was guilty and got him off on a technicality...impropehr admittances of evidence, improper search procedures, not being properly mirandized.. i dont remember. that night the guy went out and killed three kids.
this is a tactic that will work in a courtroom but it doesnt work with God. i cannot use the letter of His law to justify excuse or overlook my sin.. ILL JUST GO OUT AND SIN BECAUSE HEY DIDNT GOD SAY HE HAD TO FORGIVE ME IF I ASKED HIM TO??? if i did that this speaks volumes about the true nature of my relationship with God. BE NOT DECIEVED.. GOD IS NOTTTT MOCKED!!!! this is something that the 8th and 9th step in AA played an integral part in teaching me. gods grace is no license to overlook and forget about the wreckage of the people i burned with my cons lies and deceits. GOD has removed it as far as the east and the west and will never condemn me or convict me on them again. however i am to BRING FORTH FRUITS WORTHY OF REPENTENCE. H EART THAT IS TRULY CHANGED BY A TRUE ENCOUNTER WIL GOD WIL ALWAYS WANT TO FACE AND MAKE THINGS RIGHT WITH THESE PEOPLE!! i may not always have the chance but the WILLINGNESS absolutely must be there.
last but not least 4:8-10 "and satan took Him to a VERY VERY HIGH MOUNTAIN and showed him ALL THE KINGDOMS OF THE WORLD AND THEIR GLORY. and e said to him "all these i will give you if you fall down and worship me' and Jesus said "AWAY WITH YOU SATAN YOU WILL SERVE THE LORD GOD AND HIM ONLY WILL YOU SERVE.'" VERY VERY HIGH MOUNTAIN-satan is the consummate master of making everything look better bigger and higher than anything god has to offer. he shows it IN ALL ITS GLORY. how many young people do we see today in the hood who buy into the lie of quick easy money fast flashy cars ever faster flashier women by playing in the devils playground..crack, meth (lord only knows when some of these drugs evil cousins are going to make it over here. krokodil in russia-rots the body away and kills you within a year) and these verses dont just apply to the flash. these verses apply to all the situations that may come across our path thaat if we allow that door open just a crakc to let the enemy in he ll always convince that HIS way is much better than GODS way, Gods way isnt enough and its uesless it ineffective,dontyouknow God you just dont understand what its like. WRONG..He went thru everything you the wilderness, during His three years and ON THE CROSS so He COULD understand. He BECAME them. youve gone thru SOME of them. try ALL of them
this is a conscientous choice to reject God and what He has to say in favor of our own agenda when god doesnt move fast enough or not at all> He never said Hed give us everything we wanted just what we NEEDED. pastor gary likes to say GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF OUR NEEDS NOT OUR GREEDS. theres not a single person ..myself included..who hasnt done something
that we KNEW was wrong we KNEW was against His word and we did it anyway. because if doing right didnt get us what we wanted then guess what we chose to do wrong. rejecting god and His word in favor of our own agenda is rampant in our world today. i look at famous people like angelina jolie who is a vocal atheist and im like WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED??? she and brad pitt are in a relationship that is a direct result of committing adultery. you think she doesnt know what His word says about it???? and theres nothing wrong of themselves with all the good works theyve done. but often we see this pattern as a sad attempt to redemm themselves and somehow on their own to deal with that conflict i know is there but theyve pushed it so far down. from my own personal experience and i see it here as well the rejection of the idea of Gods existence is usually the final result of seeing that THEIR way of approaching is has no power but seeing the God OF THE BIBLE is one that..unlike oprahs way of approach God ANY OLD WAY YOU WANT one youre not goig to be able to bargain with control or manipulate. the God of the Bible is definitive not democratic. its not open for negotiation or discussion. seeing this like children they get mad stomp their feet then say YOU NEVER LET US DO WHAT WE WANT WE HATE YOU.
so i just wont believe in you. when you dont believe in god you never know when the devil is right there whispering in your ear. he has you by the short hairs and you think youre shucking and jiving.
look at all the choices weve often made agianst what His word has to say because certain things get promised to us that will make our life easier..or so we think. many people vote in people who are pro-choice because they get certain health and work benefits promised to them. desperation will drive many people to do things they previously thought were addict will sell their own mother or even their baby for the next hit a bottle of everclear. ive pretended to like someone whom i knew had drugs and alcohol. i married both husbands in my past simply to get away from home and to drink. heck of a reason to marry someone isnt it. if Jesus had come back in my life during that time what do you think would have happened to me/ this is the part about His word while sweet in some places is very bitter in others. this is all about the not so nice promises we find in His word about those who die in their sins. forget the word PROMISE honey.
this is more like a GUARANTEE.
i remember back in the late 80 and early 90s when i first got into the health care fieldnd it didnt fly so close under the radar as it does now. it was very common for the mom and pop principle of keeping a nursing home or rehab open thru genrous benefactors who often had loved ones in those facilities so they took a personal interest in them. i knew about alot of excellent cnas who ended up getting fired..not because of abuse..but because of people who were paying to help keep a facility open..didnt like them. IF YOU DONT FIRE THEM WELL CUT OFF YOUR MONEY.. and often they flat out told them. doing what was right..which would have been standing behind their employee..was pushed out in favor of not losing that money by which its loss would have put them out of a job. rejcting what is right over what is easy is always self serving. we may try to rationalize and excuse it but the people were truly thinking of is ourselves.
anytime i go thru something and i think god couldnt possibly understand all i have to do is read this and see that just aint true

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

being called, tempted, and prepared.

in MATTHEW 3:16-17 as well as in MATTHEW 4:1-11, we get one of the most clear cut pictures of the HUMANITY of Jesus. in MATTHEW 3-16-17 it talks about how Jesus appears before His cousin, john the baptist to be baptized in the river jordan and to be annointed with the Holy Spirit. it was His HUMANITY that had to be annointed with the Spirit of God not His DEITY.
deity is ALREADY annointed. it was his humanity that would begin His earthly ministry. it was JESUS not CHRIST that was His earth name JESUS CHRIST is my LORD AND SAVIOR but its JESUS who is the SON OF MAN. in 3:16-17 and in 4:1-111 we see how He was annoinTd and empowered by the spirit to move into His calling in His HUMANITY because it was His HUMANITY in which he would be tempted in all we were..but without sin. because He was also DEITY BEING GOD He never yielded to the temptations that satan presented to Him in the wilderness, but He still experienced them in His flesh. its not a sin to be TEMPTED. HE was tempted. its a sin to GIVE IN TO IT..TO LET IT SET UP CAMP GROW HAVE BABIES. and it was His HUMANITY that came back at satan ALWAYS with THE WORD. even though he WAS the Word.
His experience in the wilderness is the example of how we are to approach sin when the Sprit leads us thru the wilderness. the spirit doesnt ever create sin it simply leads us thru it. the spirit is our teacher always eading us back to the word. its when we are in the wilderness that we show what were about..when satan comes at us we fight back with the word GOD EITHER IS OR HE ISNT WHICH ONE IS IT TO BE??? it also shows the many WAYS in which satan will try to tempt us. he doesnt just stop at one way. satan is a liar and the father of lies. he doesnt ever quit lying..he just becomes better at it.
first off, we see in 4:1-4 how jesus fasted forty days and nights and he became hungry. satan attempts to come at Him saying, "if youre the Son of God ask that these stones be turned into bread." Jesus answers saying "thou shall not live by bread alone but by EVERY WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD." His humanity NEVER stepped outside of the Word of God even though in His diety He WAS THE WORD. sometimes we allow our hunger whether it be for food or a spiritual hunger and we look to the word for answers and the answers we get arent the ones our tiching ears want to hear, satan will tempt us with things that lead us outside of the word. or well hang onto the things that pleases us but when we bite into something that is bitter we spit it out. we dont want it. in REVELATIONS 10:9-10 talks about how His word often tastes sweet as honey in our mouths but when it becomes that sharp two-edged sword going into our bellies it can become very bitter. WE LIKE THE IDEA OF GOD BUT DONT TELL US WE HAV TO ACCEPT JESUS...WERE ALL FOR THE FREE GIFT OF GRACE BUT DONT TELL US ANYTHING ABOUT SACRIFICE. what my granny on my daddys side used to say YOU GOTTA TAKE THE BITTER WITH THE SWEET..THIS MEANS EVERY WORD COMING OUT OF GOD MOUTH. not just the ones we like.
in 4:5-7 where satan leads Jesus to a pinnacle saying "if youre the Son of God throw yourself down. for it is written 'He shall give His angels charge over thee, lest you slip and dash yourself on a stone'" and Jesus says "it is written AGAIN..YOU SHAL NOT TEMPT THE LORD YOUR GOD." this is where we see satan tempting us to play on God intelligence by using the technicalities of the letter of the law to avoid the consequneces of ignoring the big picture.. STRAINING AT A GNAT AND SWALLOWING THE CAMEL. this is where the pharisees ended up missing God..thru the technicalities of their beloved torah that they took such great pride in wielding over people..oftyen using them to justify even greater sins. im a huge criminology buff
and im constantly appalled and feel a deep anger over how often many kilers get off on technicalities. i just read a book about a 12 year old who had her boyfriend slaughter her family so they could be together. and canadian law is set up to where because they use to the law to rehabilitate not to punish because shes a minor according to their laws her identity is protected and she could move in next door to you and youd never know she was a murderer. its clearly a crime where she should be locked up forever..when someone does something this coldblooded..when there is no history of abuse..this is NOT someone i want to see walking around. but due to legal glitches SHES PROTECTED.
HOWEVER THIS MINDSET DOESNT WORK WITH GOD. many people will seize onto the message ofthe free gift of grace..all you do is ask for it. and since its grace not our works that save us we can do what we want right??? i saw a movie PILLAR OF THEEARTH where they believed they could be forgiven for a sin before they committed it. its obvious tat when someone see grace as a license to do what they want and god is going to overlook it or excuse it..theyre saved right??thru grace???? that they havent had a true encounter with god. but many people buy into this lie or simply chose to believe that they can play with god and not understanding they cannot serve god and satan at the same time. you cannot use the technicalities you may find in His word to justify things he speaks against. this iis called having a conscience seared as with a hot iron.

Monday, December 5, 2011

accountability comes before repentance.

i remember reading how the arrival of the order of John the Baptist and the arrival of Jesus into the world was in oder for a specific reason. Jesus came to prepare the world for the Cross and then Ressurection. the order of SALVATION then the NEW BIRTH. but first had to comthe message of REPENTANCE. the ABCS A. I CANT B. HE CAN C. I THINK ILL LET HIM.
but theres something that has to come ven before REPENTANCE. its ACCOUNTABILITY. theres no resurrection without salvation and theres no salvation without repentence. but theres no repentance without accountability. and accountability is the one part of the equation in which this process of the new birth wasnt covered spedifically by someone coming into the world with a specific message. that is the part that god left up to us. and reptnance and accountability are two things that do not stop at the new birth. theyre an ongoing process. they continue thruout my life as i continue to walk with Him. i will never repent of anything if im not willing to be accountable
for it. satan can have no foothold in my life unless i open the door to him natural tendency in my flesh to want to shift blame is not due to satan. its due to the fallen condition of the flesh nature that came from that separation from god which DID start thru the orignal temptation from satan.
shifting of blame from self to something or someone else i used to think was learned. until i read GENESIS 3:11-13 "AND GOD SAID "WHO TOLD YOU YOU WERE NAKED? DID YOU EAT OF THE TREE THAT I TOLD YOU NOT TO EAT FROM. AND THE MAN SAID "THE WOMAN GAVE ME THE FRUIT AND I DID EAT.' AND THE WOMAN SAID "THE SERPENT BEGUILED ME AND I DID EAT IT'" shifting of blame is an integral part of the flesh nature and comes from that deep selfishness which is at the root of all sin. GENESIS 3:7 "SHE SAW THE FRUIT WAS PLEASANT TO LOOK AT AND DESIRED TO MAKE ONE WISE SO SHE TOOK THE FRUIT AND ATE IT AND GAVE IT TO HER HUSBAND" he didnt eat the fruit because SHE TOLD HIM TO and she didnt eat it because THE SERPENT TOLD HER TO. they BOTH ate it because they were SELFCENTERED and in a sate of ingratitude towards God feelg what he had given them was no longer enough and wanted more. their unwillingness to repent was what got them kicked out of the garden not the factthat they ate the fruit he told them not to. and they didnt repent because they werent willing to be accoutable for what they did.
when i first got sober and i was working thru the amends i had to make to the people id burned thru my cons lies and deceits i tried to say i conned you BECAUSE I WAS DRIVEN BY MY NEED FOR ALCOHOL AND DRUGS AND IT WAS THE DRUGS AND ALCOHOL THAT DROVE ME TO DO IT. the truth of the matter was that I CONNED YOU..PERIOD!!!! MY EXTERNAL BEHAVIOR IS NOTHING MORE THAN A SYMPTOM
OF MY SIN NATURE the truth was i did it because i was completely and utterly SELF CENTERED. when i was reading about adam and eve i could quickly identify with my own selfish nature in it and how ive always excercised the free will that God gave me TO CHOOSE OR NOT CHOOSE HIM!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

i remember an old sermon of pastor garys called TEAR IT OUT!! it was based on matthew 5:29
"IF YOUR RIGHT EYE OFFENDS YOU TEAR IT OUT!!!!" it doesnt literally mean to gouge out an eye what its say is if you see something and its causing you to stumble and fall DONT LOOK AT IT!!! the whole gist of this verse is about the flesh nature the sin nature where self will ALWAYS runs riot! DONT FEED IT!!!! a while back i was beginning to have a major problem with my fourlegged brat waking up during the night wanting to be fed and snuggled. once i gave into him the first time he expected it the next night. and the next. and the next. before i knew it i was having a major problem on my hands. one day i woke up and realized SORRY BUDDY TIME TO TOW THE LINE HERE!!! needless to say he started pitching major shirley temple fits..complete with gnashing his teeth against the bars of the cage and flinging his whole body against its walls. what was i to expect. id been indulging him and petting him for several months tthen all of a sudden i stopped??!!! well thats the way it is with my sin nature. if i quit feeding my spirit man and start feeding my bratty sin nature..same thing. its not only cunning and far stronger than i ever will be its also NOT PICKY!! its not choosy about what portal of entry you choose to let it set up camp, how you feed it. it just wants to be fed petted and indulged. its not a sin to be tempted. if it was then Jesus sure sinned in the wilderness where He was tempted

Thursday, January 27, 2011

where would i go?

one of the most crucial things ive come to understand..and to do otherwise i may as well take the entire book of Acts and throw it out.....over the past 2+ my walk with God is how imperative it is get involved with a local Word based church. is everything going to run smoothly
once i do this? of course not. if im looking for a church of perfect people who do everything perfectly all i have to do is look in the BIBLE to see that thats not going to happen. looking at the lives of king david who ran the gammit of every sin you could name, samson who was about as close to a textbook case of a narcissist as you could get, abraham who tried to pimp out his own wife to save his own hide, even joseph who provoked the wrath of his brothers to a large degree by being a smart-alecky kid who didnt know when to keep his mouth shut...uhmmm NO my finding a body of believers who do everything nice and wonderful..i dont think thats going to happen.. all these examples are given to show that God doesnt use perfect people..just forgiven ones. fellowshipping with people i may not always like.. i need to remember that i may not always be THEIR cup of tea. in AA theres a saying that applies most definitely to any body os Spirit filled believers PRINCIPLES OVER PERSONALITIES. i have to LOVE others even if i dont LIKE THEM all the time. that IS His greatest commandment. and its not an option. and it doesnt just apply to those who love and like ME.

its by learning to live out this very basic principle amongst others in close quarters with other believers on a regular basis that is largely responsible as to whether or not im going to develop spiritually in a healthy mature way. we have a product we want to sell to the world THE GOSPEL. the local church is like a laboratory where we take that product and show the world how well it works. can i take offense when people complain about me? of course i can? can i take offense and go to another church? of course i can. but im going to run into the same thing there. wherever i go there i am and im the lowest common denominator in everything. in the AA big book theres a chapter called 'a vision for you" its all about THIS IS WHAT MY LIFE CAN BE LIKE IF I GET AND STAY SOBER. THIS IS ALSO WHAT MY LIFE WILL BE LIKE IF I DRINK. I KNOW WHAT MY LIFE CAN BE LIKE IF I CONTUNUE FELLOWSHIPPING WITH THE SAINTS. I ALSO KNOW WHAT WIL HAPPEN IF I WALK AWAY. of course its easier to walk away from any situation when offended instead of looking to see where im the lowest common denominator but theres no growth.

to not get and stay grounded in a local church like i said is like taking the book of Acts and rip it out. once i do that as when i do that with any part of the Word i may as well throw out the whole Word while im at it because none of it is going to make sense anymore. The Word of God is full of his PROMISES. its also full of the NOT SO NICE promises of what happens when you turn your back on Him. theyre not promises. theyre more like GUARANTEES. if i quit going to church then ive already walked away from Him. especialy when its rooted in offense. thats an act rooted in pride and rebellion. and pride and rebellion are the equivalent to witchcraft. im taking MY will back thinking i can do a better job at running my life than He can. and He wont stop me if i want to leave. to do this is like asking for a refund on my misery. IF I GO MY WAY AND SIN AGAIN A MUCH WORSE THING WILL HAPPEN TO ME. if i dont have a system of checks and balances
all i have to go on is my own itching ears. its like taking a class without an instructor. the manual wil stop making any sort of sense.

IRON SHARPENS IRON. i remember in the past when i didnt think i needed to be in church and thought i was getting all these revelations of His Word that were special and unique. they were all squirelly. WEIRD revelations. people looked at me doing the blonde head tilt like HUH??????
none of us hear from God perfectly but when what i was getting wasnt even in the ballpark...we have a problem here. to have that black and white tile foundation thats solid and based on His Word i have to have as part of it checks and balances people i trust that i can talk to pray with to make sure that what im hearing IS from Him and not coming from the realm of my own addictive thinking.

being in AA ive seen from happens when people relapse. theres a pattern that almost always happens in chronological order.
1. they quit calling their sponsor
2.they quit going to meetings.
4.then they pick up a drink. picking up a drink isnt the relapse. its the LAST STAGE of the relapse.

1 i lose touch with fellow believers ive established a network with
2 i quit going to church
3 i quit spending time with Him and His word
4 my old character will come back.