Tuesday, December 8, 2009

before i present yet another samson adventure

today, i thought id start out on a different note just because when i was reading jeremiah 33:12"thus saith the Lord of hosts'again in this place which is desolate without man, without beast, and in all the cities thereof,shall be a habitation of shepards causing their flocks to lie down." Jesus is the Great sheperd, we are his flock, and he ha appointed many great men to be our sheperds here in this earth. IN ALL CITIES THEREOF, SHALL B A HABITATION OF SHEPERDS CAUSING THEIR FLOCKS TO LIE DOWN. what is the key to being able to accept Jesus a the only way to th Father? the desire and willingness to submit. im just now beginning to understand the utter desolation and barrenness in my life by refusing to humble and debase myself to yeild to his authority. even more so, seeing others who have at best a form of godliness, but with absolutely no power for the pure and simple fact by insisting that they can approach God THEIR way. not undestanding as long as one tries to tailormake God to suit their wants or what they believe are their needs, theyre still operating under their own steam, because they refuse to allow God to be God. and then wonder why when the crunch hits, THEIR God has no power to help them.

i was watching on youtube this clip on the church of oprah windfrey. this one statement hit me like a bombshell..do not cling to the pathetic notion of the OLD RUGGED CROSS.what immediately came to mind was reading about david dancing before the Lord with utter wild abandon in nothing but his ephod, no barrier between him and a holy God. he was totally wrapped up in his love affair with God and his last concern was for what ANYONE might have thought. he didnt even care that his wife michal was watching him with the utter horror and fascination that i often have when i see a particularly nasty youtube video of some critter like the funnel web spider(i thank the Lord that im thousands of miles away from australia). SHE DESPISED HIM IN HER HEART? why??? what was it that david did that was the unpardonable sin in her eyes? HE HUMILIATED HER BY DARING TO ABASE HIMSELF TO WORSHIP GOD. PRIDE!!!!!!!!!! this is what is rampant in those who insist on seeking to find THEIR WAY to God, to earn THEIR WAY to their own salvation.
to come to the Cross requires submission. theirs no submission if youre still running the show.
praise Him???? im not going to praise Him. no god is going to ask me to humiliate myself. dont think so. CONTEMPT ALSO HAPPENS TO BE A FORM OF DEEP ROOTED ANGER AND HOSTILITY. this was rampant in the heart of michal and also in oprah as she beligerently challenged those who had the audacity to say you cant earn your own way to
God. i remember when it was rampant in my own heart. what is at the heart of the fallen human nature minus Jesus is the perpetual undisciplined child. im not gonna do it and you cant make me.

i think of what michal must have been thinking when he saw her fool husband dancing wearing nothing but a smile. LOL. probably her hand went to her heart in a flutter as she experienced the equivalent of your contemporary christmas party cocktail crisis as you have to fill in the gaps to embarrsing situations of the antics of your black sheep family members who "behave badly" worrying about whether or not she would be included on any more invites
from the upper crusts in her social circle. oh my lord, i DO HOPE nobody saw this. ive seen people like this and its really sad. THEYRE the ones that just dont get it. i think the saddest thing about what the end result of michals life was was that she wound up never being able to have children. i see the profound wisdom of the verse" he who has will gain more. he who has no WILL LOSE EVEN WHAT HE ALREADY HAS" in michals snobbery and snubbing her husband, the bitter irony was that SHE was more than likely the one who ended her life a social pariah, whereas david, in spite of his many flaws went on to not just be greatly used by god but loved my millions in his life and for centuries to come. not being able to bear children bore far greater social stigma than dancing in your skivvies dont you know. at the root of all fleshly pride is profound barrenness of spirit being bound by a pathetic lifeless IDEA of God, with no power.
michals physical barrenness was a reflection of her barrennes of spirit.

this verse in jeremiah is just one of many example of how god uses animals as analogies of the relationship He so desperately wants with us. God gave us free will ,so He cannot go against His word and go contrary to our own will. we have to be willing to SUBMIT to Him for His power to be effective in our lives. praise him, submit to him what have you got to lose but tons of spiritual chains
its interesting

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