Monday, December 14, 2009


ine thing i can honestly say about my fourlegged boy is that, being the typical english bull terrier that he is, he may not be the most well behaved dog on the planet ( ive come home on numerous occasions to a smilling dog, wagging his tail as if saying HIYA MOM, amidst a screnporch full of chewed up items to prove it. not to mention a busted fence out on the deck).
but i can honestly say, samson is probably one of the most loving dogs youll ever meet. he loves
EVABODY!!!!!!! everyone is samsons buddy..hes all about pet me love me. when he nips hes playing and hes so used to rough play that you could probably knock him in the head with a baseball bat and hed still be wagging his tail. HOWEVER, there is one exception!!!!!! there happens to be one person that he doesnt like, and he makes it known. when he lunges at this person, its not the usual tailwagging lets play thing samson usually has going. its ears back, tetth bared,snarling, and samson doesnt want this person even close to me, and WILL try to attack him, if he gets near me. samson do no likey him for soommmme reason. and as far as im concerned, the specifics are really a moot point. would i ever let samson hurt this person?
of course not. but am i about to punish samson? the answer is, why would i punish samson for alerting me to the fact, that theres clearly something about this person that isnt quite kosher?
an english bull terrier will die to protect you, and theyve been known to rip the throats out of pits and they got their famous name because they were used to bring down 1,500 bulls. why would i ever punish any pet for doing what it was supposed to..protecting me. if an animal who loves everyone he sees suddenly goes nuts and tries to attack someone who gets anywhere near me, theyre not misbehaving, theyre trying to tell me something. the tragic thing is that all too many animals wind up being punished, even put to sleep,simply for doing what it was supposed to..protecting loved ones. often by the very people they were protecting. im sure that all too many times, women who die at the hands of their violent husbands or boyfriends, would probably have still been alive, if they had paid attention to their beloved pooches who tried to let them know that danger lurked behind those charming smiles that masked the true nature of their future killers. often, who, of course, were the first to convince their beloved to get rid of faithful fido, standard M.O. for anyone wanting to eliminate anything or anyone out of the scenery they know is onto them.


the more i read the book of jeremiah, the more i see someone who was kind of the equvalent
to that faithful engglish bull terrier, whom all he was trying to do was to do what God assigned him to a vessel to try to save a desperately wayward people. and it wasnt just the wayward kids of israel, (and at that point, thats what they were like...will,wayward, spoiled children who always wanted seconds on candy, but wouldnt lift a bruseel sprout to their mouths if their life depended on it.) that three fits, stamped their feet, when suddenly they began to realize, they werent going to get everything they wanted all the time, and get it YESTERDAY never mind TODAY. reading jeremiah 38:4"we beseech thee(talking to their king, whom it was obvious they were masters at manipulating) let this man be put to death......for this man seeketh
not the welfare of the people, but their hurt" which was baloney. these men didnt have either the king or the peoples welfare in mind. they wanted jeremiah out of the way, because he was onto them. the king and the people were simply pawns on the chessboard of a group of leaders who were all about the utilitarian usage of people for their own gain. and they gained their power in the same manner so many like them before and since them have........people choosing to believe a lie over the truth, as well as people who knew the truth, but were too spineless to do anything about it. a coward is even more dangerous than an evil man. they are moved by nothing but their own fear.

at the heart of embracing a lie over the truth, even, when you know in your heart that what youre embracing is not what you think it is is addiction. addiction always starts as a work of the flesh, but at the very heart of it is a spirit. it was the same spirit that was in delilah. it is what mdoern terminology would call a "frenemy" one that pretends to be your friend, while it robs, steals, likks, and destroys everything in its wake. and is so sdeceptive you even become willing to kill old faithful fido in order to preserve that illusion.

when you rejct the truth there is nothing to embrace but a lie

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