Monday, December 7, 2009

MORE ABOUT BORING EVERYONE WITH MY DOG. LOLOLOL. lets talk about one of his most irksome habits( and trust me, they are many). my boy loves to crawl underneath the guess is to chase after matter how dirty he gets, or how many times he gets stuck under there, next thing you know, hes right back under there. i discovered this utterly exasperating new pasttime he has, one day when i was frantically searching for him all over the yard, and he was nowhere to be found. then......i heard this little whiny yelp coming from..........
where???????? i trace it back to under the deck. looks like homeboy was stuck under there and couldnt get back out. nightmare visions of having to call 911 to come take apart the deck to get him out, and then having the dirty job of explaining it to his daddy why all his hard work had to be undone within a few minutes(he later told me to just call him and hes come take out the screws and get him out that way) fortunately......samson managed to crawl out, dirty, filthy, and after trying to bite my fingers off when i tried to help him out. youd think, well, he wont be back under there any time soon. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! next thing you know, hes right back under there, to get even dirtier(last time i bathed him, he turned my whole tub black)ANDDDD
TO GET STUCK AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! im like, this bloody stupid dog....
WHY would be go back under there, oftentimes right after i gave him a bath and sprayed him with smellgoods, to get dirty and filthy all over again AND to get stuck again????

ok, lets ask ourselves this question...why did we always keep going back to the same disastrous situations in our lives over and over, and continue to wallow in the filth of them. more importantly, i need to ask myself this.....yes ,its true that the love and grace of God covers a mu
ltitude of sins, even when we mess up, but, once ive been delivered from a lifestyle of sin and degradation, why in the world would i ever want to go back to it. ive heard alot of people saying once saved always saved and thinking the grace of god thru Jesus Christ is sort of a license to play with sin. why would i ever want to get dirty, filthy, and just plain stuck in a life that was a dead end and would have rendered me a corpse, by thinking i could go back and play with it.
yo me,thats kind of like samson going back under that deck over and over again, getting dirty,
filthy, and stuck. personally, i LIKE being clean, i LIKE being free. but its still tempting at times to think maybe i can go back now to some old play ground to play there like i used to. i dont work that way. its like the parable of the unclean spirits...each time i welcome these things back, or go back to an area of destruction, its even more dangerous than before.

samson doesnt know better, hes just a dog. his memory bank is basically just a big black hole concerning things he likes to do but always get him in trouble everytime. but, without positves to replace the negatives removed from our lives, were in no better shape. it was like my sister and her client going right back into the same environment where she got raped, and im sure emma was just shaking her head and thinking doesnt this girl ever learn???? God hates the negatives that oppose His Word in our lives, but, even more so, He hates a vacuum. ive read alot about short term memory loss, called anterograde amnesia. the person is unable to form new memories..after a couple of minutes everything just fades. God wants us to remove the negatives and replace them with His promises. if we dont, all we have are memories of the old us, of who we WERE, no understanding of what weve become. this makes it easy for us to go back to what we used to be. we have nothing else to compare it to.

for those who dont think regular study of His word is a big enough priority to carve out time for, dont be surprised if you keep finding yourself in the same dirtpiles over and over. the Holy Spirit
works with His Word to help us record new memories of who we are today

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