Friday, December 11, 2009


i was reading jeremiah 36 at work last night while it was slow. it was talking about how jeremiah recieved instruction from God to tell baruch to WRITE DOWN all the words that hed been given by God to speak til that point. why/ for the same reason that God has ALWAYS
used His chosen vessels to give His messages to others write it down. once any word is WRITTEN, thats it. its a matter of tangible public record. after that, jeremiah, as shown in verse 5 said nothing else. it was written so there was no way that anyone could refute that these word were anyones elses, except Gods. anything else said would have either been ADDING TO IT or TAKING FROM IT in relation to the message that God used jeremiah for in delivering His message to Israel.

ive seen enough episodes on LAW AND ORDER as well as individual real life research to know, that once a statement is recorded, either by audio or written down, legally, there is no going back and changing it. its THERE for the world to hear and see. things by word of mouth, can always be refuted or changed, since word of mouth e

ven with the most credible witnesses can be less than reliable. and there is always a master copy kept of any critical piece of evidence. and also note where jeremiah had baruch document in INK. as a healthcare provider, i understand the legal ramifications of not documenting in either blue or black ink. pencil can always go back and be erased or changed. and other colors of ink dont pick up on photocopy. failure to comply with these regulations stringently imposed by state can result in loss of ones license or even legal sanctions on the grounds of falsifying records. God more than once says in His Word, IT IS WRITTEN!!!!!!!!!!! MEANING, 1 they are HIS WORDS, not MY WORDS. 2 i can not go back and either add to them or change them.

taking away from the Word of God is something that isnt just for today. it is part of the modus operandi of the fallen sin nature that wants to live in denial, when confronted with anything which brings to light any particular sin that it doesnt want to give up, to want to "TEAR OUT'
any references that may come against it. such as when king jehoiakim had jehudi to tear out several of the leaves and cast it into the fire. like that was really going to change the fact it wasnt true. that was just a COPY. jeremiah already had the master copy via the Spirit of God locked away in his brain and heart. thats like if i get issued for a warrant for my arrest on lets say the grounds of resident abuse and neglect. i take the warrant and tear it up. do i honestly believe that there arent other copies????? is that going to change the fact that ive been charged
with a crime and that im going to have to deal with the legal sanctions thereof. the only thing that happened when jehudi burned those pages, another copy was made. you can burn paper but the Word of God goes merrily on.

part of the price of denial that comes from a long standing reprobate mentality of being in denial to ones sins is that a very strange psychology begins to take hold of the individual. there is an expression HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT that is a very appropo term for this sort of bizarre mentality. ive done alot of reading on the renaissance period in england. a huge emphasis was placed on outward piety and morality, while at the same time it was quite common practice for
married couples to often be mutually unfaithful to each other, both being completely aware of the other persons fidelity. however, as long as they appeared in public with their faces covered so family and friends wouldnt recognize them, and put them in a position where they had to choice but to act on it, it was usually politic to look the other way. they could be sitting side by side with their spouses, each with their respective lovers, they knew who it was really weird.

i went thru a very similar situation when i was still living in secret unrenounced sin. i wasnt fooling anyone but myself, i KNEW i wasnt fooling anyone but myself. but i was like, as long
as i dont read about it, no one tells me about it, it doesnt exist. i wasnt really wanting to know what was going on from the people who were shunning me..i KNEW they were onto me......
i was trying to play on their intelligence....if i played stupid the problem didnt exist. i was always the first in the prayer line, looking for a word...Jesus wasnt timid in dealing with that sort of deliberately self deluded mentality YE WICKED AND ADULTEROUS GENRATION, YE CAN READ THE SIGNS OF THE SKY BUT NOT THE SIGNS OF THE TIME...THE ONLY SIGN YOULL GET IS THE SIGN OF JONAH.........SEE YA. its like being an addict. if you have to ask whther or not youre one, chances are, you already have your answer.

keeping something hidden in plain sight never ever makes anything go away. GOD IS GOD HE CHANGES NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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