Tuesday, December 1, 2009

more on life is about choices.

as i wrote on my last blog, the primary message i got from reading jermiah that is loud and clear is, life is all about choices. there is always a cause and effect to everything, and the will of God is no exception. there is very little that anything or anyone actually DOES to us. its mrely the outcome to our own decisions.

for a long time, i, as well as many otheres who rejected the message of the Gospel, which clearly states that Jesus is the only way to the Father, struggled with the question....what kind of a loving Father would send his child to hell, simply for refusing to accept this? for starters, if you HAVENT accepted Jesus as the means to the Father, you may be able to call Him GOD, but not FATHER. in essence youre not one of His kids. being created in His image doesnt make you one of His kids. but, anyway, as i was thinking as to how i myself may be able to answer this question if someone else asks me, this answer came to me. this answer made me realize that the true contradiction isnt in God, but our own perceptions of who Hes is, is supposed to be, and our own persistance in compatamentalizing our lives in relation to Him.

for a long time, i just couldnt get the concept that God could be a god of tough love, and brutal consequence, as well as a God of love and mercy. BUT, then i remembered my days of being in alcoholics anonymous, where i learned all about having to accept responsibility for ones life and actions, even more so, about how there often comes a time, where no matter how much you may love someone, you have to let that someone go and cut them loose, even if it means that someone may die drunk, high, and alone in some gutter. when someone absolutely refuses to face their addictions, and the cause and effect pattern in their lives, and utterly refuses to stop doing what theyre doing, your love for them may mean that you have to let that person fall face forward down a flight of steps, rather than catching them, because it reaches a point where you have to see that youre NOT helping them by constantly bailing them out of one situation after another, that your actually helping them to stay sick. here is where the irony comes in. your typical alcoholic in aa who is working the program has NO pro
blem about making their fellow man deal with the dire consequences of his action, even if he dies in his disease. however, he adamantly refuses the idea of a conception of a God who does the same. if we have th right to make people face the consequences of their actions, even if they die as a result, how can we tell our Heavenly Father, who is above all that, who is our CREATOR, that He doesnt have the right to do the same. just like it breaks our heart when we have to tell someone, who is racing headlong to their demise, KNOWING, that when we do, it may be the last time anyone sees them alive...do you not think when one of us die, rejecting the free gift of His son as the way to Him,simply because we were stubborn and rebellious, that it doesnt utterly break HIS heart, knowing He will never see us again?

i also hear and have wondered myself, how could a loving God be so rigid in His claim that Jesus is the only way to Him, and there can be no exceptions? God is a God of infinite love and mercy.but, He is also a God of judgement and righteousness. He cannot ever go back on His Word. to deny Him the rightto do that is to deny who He is. life is like this. we ALL have a set
standard of what e have to go by. i remember watching LAW AND ORDER one time about a grievng parent, who had already lost one daughter to his other daughter, who was clearly a monster beyond human redemption. the female prosecutor who was trying her case has to look into the face of this suffering father, and tell him that the law left her no other options, but to try
her on capital murder. SHE HAD TO UPHOLD THE LAW. God is no respector of persons, and if there ever would have been any possible exceptions to Jesus being the only way to ever see heaven, and escape hell, God never would have suffered Him to die the most horrific death by allowing He,who knew no sin, to BECOME sin. JOHN 14:6 "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE. NO MAN COMES TO THE FATHER BUT BY ME" God cannot repent of His word.

the truth is, once again, life is about choices. in actuality, God sends NO ONE to hell. we have the choice to avoid it by accepting the free gift of life he has provided for us. if we reject it, and die in that choice, we CHOSE the alternative by CHOOSING to reject Him and to serve someone else. whom we chose to serve in this life is whom we choose to spend eternity with.

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