Friday, December 25, 2009


it seems to be an instrinsic aspect of human nature to find the road to redemption. the desire to be redeemed is something that God instilled in each one of us. he did this in order for man to seek Him. this is why i dont believe there is really such a thing as a TRUE athiest. if THIS was the case, then why is it that even your most dieheard athiest will franctically try to purge or redeeem himself in whatever shape or form he deems fit of whatever evil or demons that beset him?

the WORLDS indea or concept of redemption seems to be extremely different than the one spelled out in His Word, first thru His simple plan of salvation, then by the daily transformation
and renewal of ones mind and soulish nature thru his Word. the world is basically all about self..finding ones OWN WAY to redemption, SELF-discovery, SELF-examination,....EGO-centric, as opposed to GOD-CENTERED. there is n doubt, that, indeed, behind, all sin, lies deep-rooted issues. the problem with how the world views sin, is that it substitutes the word SIN WITH the word ISSUES. it is something to be worked through, rather than something to be
REPENTED OF. the worlds attitude towards sin is that, first, you worked thru the issues behinds ones destrucitve/self-destructive behavior, THEN you can stop doing the destructive behavior. this seems to be at the root of a lot of miguided, liberal humanist theology...that, somehow what happened to you, way back when, somehow overlooks and excuses the path f devastated people, you leave in your wake NOW. there is absolutely nowhere in the Word of God, that even remotely collaberates this. what does REPENT mean? it doesnt mean, first, you figure out why you sin, then you can stop. repent means to TURN AWAY FROM!!!! first you confess, then you repent, then you can trust God to guide you thru the minefield of the root of your sin. FLEE FROM TEMPTATION means just that. RUN!!!! it doesnt mean figure out why you get tempted and yield. it means to get as far from it as you can, and trust God to reveal the source of it to you

its very simple. the more i trust in my own understanding to "work thru" whatever crap im in the middle of, the less im going to rely on the Doctor who can and will not only reveal, but cure it. to try to understand my own fallen nature without the guidance of God is like trying to navigate through a minefield.

God recently revealed to me a major work of flesh in my nature..that is using silent scorn as a form of manipulating and seeking revenge against people i am angry with. not speaking to them, not answering their calls. He also revealed just how destructive this can possibly be.
what if an emergency comes up, while im refusing to answer the phone? my lack of resonse could cost not only my life, but the life of a loved one. this is a dangerous destructive behavior to engage in. Gods Word is one where there is nowhere in it that justifies or excuses bnehavior that is unacceptable. repent does not mean to figure it out. it means to stop doing it, then God can heal you of the root of it. the root of worldly philosophy is all about mememememe. quite different from 1 corinthians 13:1-5 LOVE IS NEVER RUDE OR SEEKS ITS OWN WAY!! His
Word clearly says that the last thing ANYTHING is about IS me.

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